Category: Tips, Tricks & Notes

Running PostgreSql in a Container on Windows 10

Today at work we were setting up a development environment for a .Net Core project using PostgreSql as it’s datastore. We decided that we set up the database server running in a container in the same way I have been running SQL Server (See recent article: Running Microsoft SQL Server in a Container on Windows 10) for the local development environment. Using the docker-compose file from this article as a basis and referring to the documentation for the postgres docker image on Docker Hub we put together a docker-compose file for PostgreSQL that looked similar to this:

version: "3"
    image: "postgres"
      - 5432:5432
      POSTGRES_USER: "MyUser"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "Password!23"
      POSTGRES_DB: "example"
      - C:\Docker\PostgreSql\data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Upon running docker-compose we were greeted with the following output containing an error message:

Creating postgresql_postgres_1 ... done
Attaching to postgresql_postgres_1
postgres_1  | The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
postgres_1  | This user must also own the server process.
postgres_1  |
postgres_1  | The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
postgres_1  | The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
postgres_1  | The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
postgres_1  |
postgres_1  | Data page checksums are disabled.
postgres_1  |
postgres_1  | fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok
postgres_1  | creating subdirectories ... ok
postgres_1  | selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
postgres_1  | selecting default max_connections ... 20
postgres_1  | selecting default shared_buffers ... 400kB
postgres_1  | selecting default time zone ... Etc/UTC
postgres_1  | creating configuration files ... ok
postgres_1  | running bootstrap script ... 2020-02-25 02:38:12.326 UTC [80] FATAL:  data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data" has wrong ownership
postgres_1  | 2020-02-25 02:38:12.326 UTC [80] HINT:  The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory.
postgres_1  | child process exited with exit code 1
postgres_1  | initdb: removing contents of data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data"
postgresql_postgres_1 exited with code 1

Notice line 19: “FATAL: data directory “/var/lib/postgresql/data” has wrong ownership”. After reading the error message we noted on line 12 it reads “fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data … ok”. Also near the top of the output on line 3 it reads “The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user “postgres”.” followed by “This user must also own the server process.”. Interesting…

So after digging around a bit we found that indeed the user “postgres” must own the files in order for the db system to read them and that the container starts up as root. It appears that line 12 is trying to fix the issue, and from what we found online it will… If the data directory is on a Linux file system. Since we are attempting to mount these files from a Windows file system, it appears that “fixing the permissions” fails. No major surprise there. So what is the work around for us poor developers working on Windows machines?

Named Volumes to the Rescue

In order to get this to work we set up a named volume. In this scenario, Docker takes care of handling the files and where they are actually stored, so we don’t readily have access to the files, but we don’t really care all that much. We just want our data to persist and not get blown away when the container gets deleted.

Here is the new (working) docker-compose file with the named volume:

version: "3"
    image: "postgres"
      - 5432:5432
      POSTGRES_USER: "MyUser"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "Password!23"
      POSTGRES_DB: "example"
      - psql:/var/lib/postgresql/data


Using this approach you may want to keep an eye on the named volumes on your system and clean them up when you are no longer using them. To get a list of the volumes on your machine use the following command:

docker volumes ls

That will dump out a list of volumes on your machine that looks something like:

local               600de9fcef37a60b93c410f9e7db6b4b7f9966faf5f6ba067cc6cb55ee851198
local               ae45bfac51d4fb1813bd747cc9af10b7d141cf3affa26d79f46f405ebfa07462
local               b94806ba697f79c7003481f8fd1d65599e532c0e2223800b39a2f90b087d5127
local               d02adf9ab33dfa22e154d25e13c5bb383a5969c19c1dd98cfa2ac8e560d87eb4
local               postgresql_psql

Notice the last entry named “postgresql_psql”? That is the one we just created above. To remove it use the following command (Note: It will not allow you to remove the volume if it is referenced by a container, running or not, so you’ll want to stop and remove the container first):

docker volume rm postgresql_psql

Running Microsoft SQL Server in a Container on Windows 10

Why you may ask? SQL Server runs just fine on Windows 10, but there are a few advantages to running SQL Server in a container rather than installing it on your machine. The biggest advantage is that you can throw it away at any time, for any reason (like a new version has shipped) and leave your machine pristine and fully functional. If you have ever tried to uninstall SQL Server from your machine you’ll definitely appreciate that. Also it is faster to get up and running than a full install of SQL Server (Assuming you already have Docker Desktop and Docker Compose installed, which I do) .

In the modern world of microservice development I find that over time I end up with all sorts of dependencies installed on my machine for various projects. One project may be using SQL Server, the next MongoDB and the next PostgreSQL. And then there is Redis, RabbitMQ, the list goes on and on… Running these dependencies in containers just makes it quick and easy to switch between projects and not have all of these dependencies cluttering up my machine.

As I mentioned this approach does assume you have Docker Desktop installed, and I prefer to also use docker compose as well just to simplify starting things up and shutting them down when I need to. If you don’t already have these tools installed you can get them at Docker Hub, or by using Chocolatey (The Windows installer for Docker Desktop will install both for you.)

choco install docker-desktop

Getting Started

It’s pretty simple to get an instance of SQL Server running in a container, you’ll find all the basic information to get started on the DockerHub Microsoft SQL Server listing. To start up the latest version of SQL Server 2017 use the following command from your command shell.

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password#1" -p 4133:1433 -d

Note: I’m running the commands in PowerShell which requires double quotes. If you run them using the command prompt use single quotes.

The -e arguments set environment variables inside the container that are picked up by SQL Server when it runs.
ACCEPT_EULA=Y accepts the Microsoft SQL Server EULA
SA_PASSWORD set the sa account password (You might want to choose a better password!)

-p maps the ports your-machine:container. If you want to map 1433 (the standard SQL Server port) to itself on your machine use -p 1433:1433, in my examples I’ll be mapping to 4133 on my machine as above.

-d runs the container detached, returning the container id and releasing your shell prompt for you to use. If you omit this standard out will be dumped to your shell as long as the container is running. specifies the image to run (and pull if you don’t already have it) The :2017-latest is the tag and means to pull the latest tagged version of the image. You can specify a specific version if you so choose.

So if we run the command above (and we haven’t previously run it) Docker will go out and pull the image and start it up. It will likely take 30 seconds to a few minutes to download the image, but once it is completed you should see something like the following in your shell.

❯ docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password#1" -p 4133:1433 -d
Unable to find image '' locally
2017-latest: Pulling from mssql/server
59ab41dd721a: Pull complete
57da90bec92c: Pull complete
06fe57530625: Pull complete
5a6315cba1ff: Pull complete
739f58768b3f: Pull complete
3a58fde0fc61: Pull complete
89b44069090d: Pull complete
93c7ccf94626: Pull complete
0ef1127ca8c9: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f53d3a54923280133eb73d3b5964527a60348013d12f07b490c99937fde3a536
Status: Downloaded newer image for

At this point you should have a shiny new instance of SQL Server 2017 up and running. You can see the running container by executing

docker ps

This will list out all of the running containers on your machine.

Note the Container ID and Name, you can use these to reference the container with subsequent Docker commands. At this point you can connect to your database server from your application or SQL Server Management Studio. With the command above the connection string to connect would be: “Server=localhost,4133;Database=master;User Id=sa; Password=Password#1”.

To stop the instance:

docker stop bcb

Above I used a shortened/abbreviated version of the container id, you can do this if it uniquely identifies the container. If I had 2 containers that started with this string I would need to use the full id (or at least more of it) or the name.

I can start it up again using:

docker run bcb

And I can permanently delete the instance using:

docker stop bcb
docker rm bcb

If you need to see the containers you have that are not currently running (ie. you stopped, but did not remove them) use:

docker ps -a

Making Things a Bit More Usable

All this is awesome, but you’ll soon run into a couple of issues:

  • You’ll grow tired of typing in all the long command, remembering all the correct switches etc, and listing out the containers to get the ids to manage them.
  • Once you delete your containers you’ll lose your databases! That’s right, the database files are stored in the container, so once you delete the container it’s gone.

Let’s start by solving the second problem first, which will make the first problem worse :(, then we’ll circle back to solve the first problem.

Mapping Your Data Files to Your Local Machine

Step one: You’ll need to share a drive in Docker. To do this:

  • Right click on the Docker Desktop Icon in your system tray and select “Settings”.
  • Select the “Resources” item and then “File Sharing”.
  • Select a drive to share and click “Apply & Share”

Step two: Create a folder in your shared drive to map into your container. In my case I’ve shared my x: drive so I’ve created a folder X:\DockerVolumes\SqlData\Sample

Step three: Now we are ready to modify our run command to map the shared (empty) folder into our container’s data directory. (I would avoid spaces in the path to your shared volumes directory, as I recall it make things “fun”.)

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password#1" -p 4133:1433 -v X:\DockerVolumes\SqlData\Sample:/var/opt/mssql/data -d

Assuming everything works as expected, you should now have all of your system databases in your shared directory. Now they will persist even if you destroy the container and spin up a new one.

Directory: X:\DockerVolumes\SqlData\Sample

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM        4194304 master.mdf
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM        2097152 mastlog.ldf
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM        8388608 model.mdf
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM        8388608 modellog.ldf
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM       14024704 msdbdata.mdf
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM         524288 msdblog.ldf
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM        8388608 tempdb.mdf
-a----       2020-01-29  10:07 PM        8388608 templog.ldf

If they do not show up, try stopping the container and restarting it without the -d switch and read through the output in your terminal, it will usually give you a clue as to your problem.

Cleaning It All Up with Docker Compose

All that is great but, typing out – docker run -e “ACCEPT_EULA=Y” -e “SA_PASSWORD=Password#1” -p 4133:1433 -v X:\DockerVolumes\SqlData\Sample:/var/opt/mssql/data -d – every time you want to start SQL Server is a bit annoying and error prone. To solve this we’ll put all these arguments into a docker-compose file and make things much easier.

To organize things I create a folder on my drive to contain my docker-compose files, each file in it’s own sub folder. ex: C:\Docker\Sample would contain 1 docker-compose.yml file that defines my configuration for SQL Server 2017. Here is an example file for the docker run we ran above:

version: "3"
    image: ""
      - 4133:1433
      SA_PASSWORD: "Password#1"
      ACCEPT_EULA: "Y"
      - X:\DockerVolumes\SqlData\Sample:/var/opt/mssql/data

Most of this should look pretty familiar, it’s just a YAML representation of the arguments we’ve been specifying above.

If we navigate to the folder containing our docker-compose file, in my case C:\Docker\Sample\ we can simply run:

docker-compose up -d

Once again the -d switch is to run the container detached. You can omit it an see what is happening inside your container. After a few seconds our server will be up and running. When we are done with our container we can run:

docker-compose down

Now everything should be spun down. If you’re really lazy like me you can create an alias for docker-compose in your PowerShell profile so you can just use:

dc up -d
dc down

Final Thoughts

You’ll want to keep an eye on the containers you have that are sitting around in a stopped state by using “docker ps -a” and cleaning up the old containers by using “docker rm CONTAINERID” to remove them. You’ll also want to keep an eye on the images you have cached and periodically clean them up as well. You can list them with “docker images” and remove them with “docker rmi IMAGEID“. (rmi=remove image) These images can be pretty good size (the current SQL 2017 image is 1.4GB).


Configure Linux Mint/Ubuntu Screen Resolution Under Hyper-V

As a .NET developer running Windows 10 I had just about given up running Linux in a virtual machine on my development machines.  Once you install Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015 with all the bells and whistles (specifically the tooling to support Windows Phone development) you end up with Hyper-V installed and configured on your system to support the Windows Phone simulators.  The obvious thing to do then is to create your VM in Hyper-V, but that results in a virtual machine running in a window @1024×768 or @ 1152×864 which is a little annoying on a 1920×1080 display.  (This is definitely workable, but it is annoying).  After poking for a while inside Linux trying to get the resolution set to 1920×1080 I decided that surely I needed virtual display drivers much like I have used in the past with VMware.   I began scouring the web for the Hyper-V equivalent of the VMware Tools.   Unfortunately I wasn’t having any luck finding what I was looking for.

If you think you might try VMware or Virtual Box along side your Hyper-V installation, think again.  Running either of these platforms along side Hyper-V is difficult due to compatibility issues.  In particular they clash around the virtual network adapters.  I was able to get this scenario to work, but it required creating scripts to disable Hyper-V and then rebooting the machine to switch between the two visualization platforms.

After doing some research I found that it was possible to get the virtual machine to boot up with your desired resolution with a little modification to your grub file,  here’s how to make it happen.

  • Install the latest version of your distro of choice (Ubuntu or Linux Mint anyway)
    • I used Mint 17.2 (Rafael) with the Cinnamon desktop for my virtual machine
  • Open up a terminal window
  • Navigate to your /etc/default directory
    • cd /etc/default
  • Open your grub file for editing as an administrator
    • sudo gedit grub
  • Find the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and change it to :
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash video=hyperv_fb:1920x1080"
  • Update your grub file
    • sudo update-grub

Now just reboot your Linux virtual machine and you’re good to go.


Testing Legacy Versions of Internet Explorer

The emulation tools in Internet Explorer’s F12 Developer tools are a godsend when you have to support older, legacy versions of IE in your solution, but sometimes you’ll run into issues where even the emulation mode isn’t close enough to the real thing.  That’s exactly what happened to me recently.  I was developing a new feature in an ASP.NET MVC application using Angular.js on the client and the page wasn’t updating after calling the server to refresh, but only in IE 9.  Weird, it worked just fine on my machine in IE 11 emulating IE 9, but I had just watched the QA engineer do the exact same thing in IE 9 and it had definitely not worked.

Luckily Microsoft has been kind enough to provide virtual machine images that can be downloaded for just this purpose on the web site (  To use these virtual machines you will need to have Hyper-V, VirtualBox,  Virtual-PC, or VMWare installed.  In my case I chose to use VirtualBox, but I also have seen VMWare work with the same steps.

Steps To Configure Your Machine

In order to get your machine configured so you can run IE9 (or another version) in a virtual machine running against your local machine follow these steps.

  1. Download and install the latest version of VirtualBox from Oracle @
  2. Download the appropriate Virtual Machine Image from @
  3. Virtual Machine: [Choose the version of IE and Platform you wish to test]
  4. Platform: Select VirtualBox
  5. Click Download .zip
  6. Extract the contents of the zip and save it someplace safe.
  7. The zip should contain a file named “IE9 – Win7.ova” or something similar.
  8. Launch VirtualBox
  9. Select File Import Appliance
  10. Browse to the file you saved in step 3 (IE9 – Win7.ova) and click next
  11. Optional: I adjusted the memory from 512MB to 2GB (I would recommend this if you have the memory to spare on your host PC.)
  12. Click Import and wait…
  13. The import process took about 40 minutes on my machine…
  14. From an Elevated Command Prompt (Run as Administrator) Execute: netsh http add urlacl url=http://myhostname:2000/ user=everyone
    1. Substitute whatever your machine name is for the host name (myhostname)
    2. Substitute the port number you are using when running your application in IIS Express.
  15. Edit your IIS Express Application Configuration file (at My Documents > IIS Express > config > applicationhost.config)
  16. Find the binding for the application you would like to debug
  17. <binding protocol=”http” bindingInformation=”*:2000:localhost” />
  18. Copy this line and paste it as a new line directly underneath the existing line in the XML
  19. Change “localhost” to the name of your computer.
  20. <binding protocol=”http” bindingInformation=”*:2000:MyComputerName” />
  21. Start the application running in Visual Studio.
  22. Some of the documentation I found online suggests that you may need to run Visual Studio with elevated permissions (Run as Administrator), but that has not been my experience. I suspect I may already have whatever permission is needed on my account, your mileage may vary.
  23. Launch your virtual machine
  24. Browse to http://MyComputerName:2000/

Note: I expected to have to make a Windows Firewall rule to allow the traffic but I did not have to in order to get it working on my machine. If you have issues, that is the first place I would look. I would probably just turn off windows firewall all together and test. If that works, turn it back on and create a rule.

Note: I ran into an issue today where I needed to log in and I didn’t know/remember the password for the IEUser account on the virtual machine.  You can find that information in the Virtual Machine Instructions document.